Monday, May 18, 2009


It has been a hard few months since I injured myself. I am nearing the end of my recovery from my fractured tibia, fibula and torn soft tissue in my ankle. I know that doing a half marathon in January is definitely not a possibility. I asked my physician and he told me a resounding no.

I have another surgery tomorrow to remove all of the hardware in my ankle. June 3rd I get the stitches out and my rehab begins. I will then begin my physical therapy. Stay tuned because I will be starting a new plan to getting to a healthier me.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

3 Weeks Into My Recovery

I am healing well but I still have 5 - 9 weeks of not putting any weight on my leg. I go back to the doctor on April 9th and I hope that he will have great news. It has been hard for me because my friends are all running and have signed up for the Disney Half-Marathon. I can't do anything until I get my next update on my recovery at my next doctor visit. In the meantime, I am working on toning my arms since that is something I can do sitting down. I am also watching my food intake but have not been so good with my soda intake. I have been drinking a lot. I really need to start drinking more water.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Recovery Begins

I had my my surgery yesterday and it went really well. I do have a really long recovery time. I have to be non-weight baring on my leg for 6 - 8 weeks. My family and friends have been great helping me along.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Have to Rethink My Training Plan

I went to the surgeon today and I have injured my right ankle so badly that I am having surgery tomorrow. I wonder why this is happening to me when I was taking such positive steps to improving my health. One thing that is a concern is my bone density and calcium intake. I have to take a calcium supplement and I will be going for bone density test in a few weeks. I am breaking bones way to easily so it is a concern. I will be sure to continue to share my progress on my road to recovery.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Journey....Derailed Again!

I managed to fall and fracture my right leg and ankle. It is so bad that I have to have surgery. I can not bare weight on my foot. I go to the surgeon on Monday to find out when I will have my surgery. Once I see the surgeon I will have a better idea on how long I will be out of commission. I am so sad about this. I need to do all I can to keep up my spirits until I am healed.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I had to go on a business trip. I have to say that I did pretty well with my eating today and I did go to the gym at the hotel. I am down a couple more pounds! One more week and I can start my walking routine again.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A great day

I spent the day with family and friends and it was great. Some people who I have seen in a little while said I look like I have lost weight. Definitely made me feel good. It also definitely gives me great motivation. I have been biking every day but I can't wait until I can start my run/walk routine again.